How to Open a New Account
To open a new account where a meter already exists at the location, stop by our office at City Hall Annex, 1102 Bob Bullock Loop, and remember to bring a valid picture ID or driver’s license or click here to apply.
There is a service connection fee of $10.00 for each account and a deposit (fee varies by meter size).

Reason to Open A New Account

New Service
If you would like to establish new service due to the construction of a new building or addition to an existing building and you need to connect to our water and wastewater lines, call our Billing Division at (956) 727-6402.

Temporary Residential Construction Meter
You can request a temporary construction meter for a new construction. The Utilities Department will approve the meter size based on required flow. You will need to contact the Building Department to get a plumbing permit at (956) 794-1625. For commercial locations, the meter is subject to approval from the Utilities Department and will need a backflow preventer registered and installed by the customer at the location.
Typical cost for a temporary 3/4″ construction meter is $773.31. This includes deposit, meter, meter installation and Water Availability fee. (Water Availability fee is dependent on lot size).

Irrigation Meter
A separate irrigation meter may be installed on a property under a separate account. A deposit is required, along with a meter and meter installation fee. This account is billed separately and is only charged for water usage. All other charges, such as the garbage fee, storm water fee, NPDES fee, and state taxes are not assessed. A backflow preventer is required to prevent possible contamination of the property’s drinking water.
Typical costs:
3/4″ meter and T-Connection: $920.94 (includes deposit, meter, meter installation and t-connection)
3/4″ meter and 3/4″ water tap: $5,836.11 (includes deposit, meter, meter installation, and water tap)
1″ meter and 1″ water tap: $6,441.78 (includes deposit, meter, meter installation and water tap)

Fire Hydrant Meter
Fire hydrant meters may be requested for water usage on projects to contractors/customers for a shor-term basis. Water taken from fire hydrants can only be used for non-potable, non-recreational purposes. A fire hydrant meter request must be submitted for review and approval by the Utilities Department.
Typical cost for a 2″ fire hydrant meter is $2,036.05 (includes deposit and meter installation). Monthly charges for 0 to 53,750 gallons are $430.00. The charge for gallons in excess of the included gallons will be charged based on the commercial water rates for those tiers.

Required Deposit
Deposits are assessed on each water account established. The amount is determined by the meter size at the location.

Service Transfer
To transfer service from one address to another, fill out a new Utility Application with your account number, new address, the date you would like to terminate service at the previous address, and the date you want to establish a new service.
There is a $10.00 service connection fee for all service transfers, which will be included on your first bill at the new address. Any delinquent balances must be paid before transferring services.

Service Termination
To terminate water service, please click here.
If your account has a deposit, it will be credited to the account.
A final bill will be mailed to your forwarding address. If a credit remains on your account, a check will be issued and mailed to your new address.

Late Fees
Late fees of $5.00 or 5%, whichever is greater, will be assessed on all past-due accounts.
Late fees will be charged to the balance on the account on the due date.
Account holders aged 65 years and older are exempt from late fees on the homestead account only. The account holder must be the owner of the property. To obtain this exemption, the account holder must provide a valid driver’s license or valid Texas ID so that we may be able to set them up on our system.
All account holders who are veterans are exempt from late fees. To obtain this exemption, Veterans must provide a DD214 certification and a valid Texas ID or valid state-issued ID with a veteran designation on it.
Exemptions are effective on the subsequent billing cycle.
No late fee exemptions will be given for accounts missing personal information such as date of birth, driver’s license, ID number, social security number, passport number, etc.

Reconnection Fees
If your water service was disconnected due to non-payment, a reconnection fee will be assessed to your account.
The reconnection fees are as follows:
Next business day (Monday – Friday): $35.00
Same business day and after business hours (up to midnight): $55.00
Weekends and holidays: $75.00

Non-Sufficient Funds
A non-sufficient funds check (NSF) fee in the amount of $25.00 will be assessed on all accounts whose payment is not honored by the account holder’s bank due to lack of funds in the account.
We will submit written notice to the water account holder and require payment within 10 days of the notice to avoid service interruption.
If the customer has 3 NSF checks with the Utilities Department within a one year period, customer will be coded as a cash-only account and checks will no longer be accepted as a form of payment until customer shows a year of good credit and payment history.