Lead Water Service Line Inventory & Federal Compliance

Understanding the Lead and Copper Rule Overview

The Lead and Copper Rules Improvements (LCRI) is a federal regulatory program coordinated with and enforced by the State of Texas agency, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The LCRI is focused on identifying and replacing lead and galvanized pipe materials within ten (10) years to reduce the impacts of the metal to public health. The City of Laredo Utilities Department is complying with this requirement by developing and maintaining an inventory of all service lines connected to the City of Laredo’s water distribution and working toward eliminating lead service lines.


Laredo Utilities Lead Service Line

Water service lines are divided into public and private sections. The city is responsible for identifying the whole service line (both public and private) up to the point of entry (POE). This program does not cover all plumbing from the POE throughout the home.

The City is reviewing government records that may indicate the material from which they are made. Since there was a state-wide lead ban beginning July 1st, 1988, service lines installed after that date are considered to be non-lead. Service lines that were installed prior to July 1st, 1988, have the potential to contain lead.  If the service line has not been inspected to verify lead, galvanized metal, or non-lead, the line material is categorized as Unknown. By 2027, all unknown lines will be evaluated and categorized as:

  • Non-lead (PEX, PVC, and Poly)
  • Galvanized — Requiring replacement (they may have been connected to lead lines in the past and replacing them ensures safety)
  • Lead — Requiring replacement

 Click here to read more about the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements on the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) website.https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/lead-and-copper-rule-improvements

City of Laredo Service Line Categorization

Below, you will find a download link to the City of Laredo Utilities Department’s current inventory of water service lines. You may search for your address in the spreadsheet, typically by pressing Ctrl-F on your computer keyboard, using most spreadsheet applications. You may also refer to your utility bill account number and search by the number to the right of the hyphen.

Information in the inventory is based on the best available information. If you believe your service line has been incorrectly categorized or if you are planning to replace your portion of a water service line, contact the Laredo Utilities Department at (956) 721 2000. E-mail inquiries may be sent to Adrian Gause at agause@ci.laredo.tx.us

Download Service Line File

If your water service is listed as category ‘Lead Status Unknown’ click on the link below and read the notification letter on what steps to follow.

Service Line Notification Letter